Is My Diet Contributing to My Blues?

Is My Diet Contributing to My Blues?

I was on the Facebook page for the Forks Over Knives community.  If you haven’t joined the group, I highly recommend you do so.  As you embark on this lifestyle journey, the page is full of motivating stories, moral support, and encouragement from the group as we experience our individual challenges. 

Recently, someone on the Facebook page asked if the Whole Food, Plant-Based diet contributes to depression (or feeling depressed).  The question really caught my attention.  I wanted to comment on the page but decided against doing so as my response could not properly address the question.  Rather than a quick generic comment, I decided I would address it on my blog.

Let me start by saying, I am not a medical doctor, psychologist, therapist, or anything of the sort.  Depression is a real and debilitating condition that deserves proper diagnosis, acknowledgement, and treatment.  This blog post is not a substitute for addressing any form of depression related disorders.  This is not meant to be medical advice and should not be construed as such.

What struck me about the question on the Facebook page was that I could relate.  I was feeling down and blue.  I really had no reason to be.  My health was good and improving each day.  My marriage and family life were (and are) in a really good place.  I enjoy my job.  There was no logical reason for me to be feeling down.

What changed?  I (re)adopted a Whole Food, Plant-Based lifestyle on January 1, 2019. Two and a half months later, I’m feeling dejected and gloomy.  Can the two really be connected?

Without the benefit of research or studies, I started to look inwards.  What was going on?

Like many of us, with the New Year came new changes and goals.  My New Year resolutions were made and the energy out of the gate was tremendous.  Sticking to the resolutions gave me a sense of accomplishment.  But like every year before this one, it was just a matter of time before that energy subsided and I lost the motivation that was fueling me.  Other than maintaining my WFPB lifestyle, was I down because my resolutions were abandoned, and I was feeling a sense of failure as a person?

Winter seemed to drag on this year.  The air was cold, the skies were grey and dreary, and the daytime was short.  In those conditions, I really didn’t want to leave the house and brave the elements.  Maybe the four walls inside the house were closing in on me and I was going a little stir crazy.  I was stuck in the same routine.  Was this boredom manifesting itself as gloom?

Or could it actually be the food?  Was it the WFPB diet causing these feelings? 

So, let me share with you my thoughts and some simple actions I took that helped me get out of the dumps and into a more positive mindset. 

,First, as it got warmer, I tried to take advantage of the fresh air.  I took longer walks with the dogs.  I spent a morning walking through a flower garden and taking time to notice the rejuvenation that comes in Spring.  I took quiet moments to watch and listen to the birds.  Spring, to me, seems like the more natural time to “start” the year.  It is all about fresh growth and possibility.  January is when you are in hibernation and preservation mode.  I took this fresh start to the year as an opportunity to think of the possibilities for me and what I wanted.  My enthusiasm was renewed, mirroring Spring’s renewal.

Second, I allocated part of my day to pursue my interests.  I recently took up photography as a hobby.  As I had so much to learn about photography and its nuances, I committed to doing something daily to help me grow and develop the skills necessary.  That could be taking pictures, understanding the settings on my camera, or editing pictures on the computer.  Even if I only had 15 minutes a day to work on my hobby, I definitely felt as though I was growing and developing as a photographer.  Learning new skills is incredibly uplifting, be it a hobby, learning a new language, or learning the art of minimalism (these are the three areas I hope to develop personally).  Enjoy the process of learning and growing.

Here is a picture I took in Biloxi, MS. Photography can really be a nice creative outlet.

Third, I tried to put myself in my happy place even when I could not physically be there.  My happy place is with my family and by the ocean, and especially by the ocean with my family.  I pulled up photos from our trips last year.  I watched video clips I recorded.  I reviewed our agendas.  I reflected on how I felt with the sun kissing my cheeks, surrounded by the ones I love.  I lost myself in thought as to where to go in 2019 to experience the same.  It may sound cheesy, but I promise you, it works.  I put together pictures from 2018 and had a book made for my wife.  I spent twenty or more hours selecting and editing the pictures included in the book, but the happiness and warmth I felt working on this project brought me back to my happy place.  What is your happy place?  Try getting there even when you can’t physically be there.

And lastly, food.  During the winter, I did find myself reaching for comfort foods and something warm.  Oatmeal, sweet and regular potatoes, whole wheat pasta, and beans were the staples.  Though I tried to use my imagination in how I prepared everything, the meals matched the weather…dreary.  I needed more freshness.  I needed more fresh fruits and vegetables.  I needed more cool and cold dishes rather than hot dishes.  I needed to consume the foods I equate to Spring and Summer.  I started eating avocado toast for breakfast.  I started eating more bananas, pineapples, and berries.  I took the time and prepared chopped salads with greens, cucumbers, celery, radish, carrots, zucchini, red onion, bell peppers of every color, and cherry tomatoes, dressed with a shallot and red wine dressing.  Add some olives, chick peas, and artichoke hearts to add more textures and substance to the chopped salad.  I did find that my mood improved with the change I made to fresher foods.  

Did my blues and gloom go away because of the food?  Maybe.

Was it because of the other actions I took in my daily habits?  More likely.

Or was it a combination of all the above?  Absolutely!

I hope my approach and advice helps you should you find yourself down and blue while adopting this lifestyle.  Don’t let the gloom pull you away from making the changes you desire without trying some small changes that are very easy to implement.  In my opinion, it is highly unlikely that a Whole Food, Plant-Based lifestyle will cause depression.

If your feelings of depression persist or get stronger, please seek help.  You do not need to go it alone.

I am interested in your comments and feedback.  What are some of the strategies you use to pull yourself up when you are feeling down?

Wishing you the best of health and well-being.
